The Ignatian Year

From May 2021 until July 2022, the Society of Jesus celebrates an Ignatian Year.  What is an Ignatian Year? May 20, 2021 marks the 500th anniversary of St. Ignatius’ conversion — that fateful day when Ignatius the soldier, struck by a cannonball, began his transformation into Ignatius the pilgrim. How might we grow in our relationship with God and our love for one another by meditating on this important moment in Ignatius’ life?

God continues to invite each of us into a deepening relationship, to ongoing conversion. We believe that by embracing this invitation, we embrace our God who calls us to act in new, bold ways that reconcile our world, bringing about justice, peace and compassion. For this Ignatian Year, we ask for the grace to see all things new in Christ. 

Featured Ignatian Year Content:

Join the Ignatian Family in Prayer

Together with Pope Francis, the entire Ignatian family will gather to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the canonization of both St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Francis Xavier. You can participate in this important moment in the Ignatian Year by joining us on March 12, 2022 at 11 AM Eastern. Click the link below to learn more.

Resources for the Ignatian Year

Spiritual Lessons from Ignatius' Conversion

Take time during the Ignatian Year to reflect on St. Ignatius’ conversion — his cannonball moment — and discover spiritual insights for your own life.

It took a cannonball to the legs to shatter Ignatius’ false images of himself. What does it take for us? Reflect.

What was Ignatius thinking as the cannonball struck? What’s going through our minds during our own cannonball moments? Reflect.

Throughout the Ignatian Year, we’ll be sharing more reflections.

Get Involved in the Ignatian Year

Looking for more Ignatian Year content?

Jesuit and Ignatian organizations world-wide are celebrating the Ignatian Year. Check out these prayers, tools and resources from Ignatian collaborators around the world.

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