Resultados de búsqueda para: Now Discern This

HISTORIAS PRINCIPALES featured VER TODO Podcast AMDG Podcast (en inglés) BOLETÍN DE NOTICIAS AHORA DISCIERNE ESTO Una galardonada serie de…

Justice and Ecology Contemplation and Political Action: An Ignatian Guide to Civic Engagement The Jesuit Conference of Canada and the…

Father Louis A. “Doc” Poché, SJ, died Feb. 7, 2017 at the Jesuit retirement community in Grand Coteau, La. He…

The Holy Spirit Provides with Holy Trinity’s Migrant Familia Jesuit Conference Communications Staff Wins 15 Catholic Media Awards Jesuit Headlines:…

Nosotros Highlight title highlight description… Nosotros Listen to God’s calling Learn more about Jesuit spirituality​ Take part in a Jesuit…

Father Chris Rupert died early on the morning of October 16, 2019, in the Supportive Care Unit at Lakeridge Hospital…

Keating, Carroll J. Jesuit Father Carroll J. Keating died June 13, 2014, at Regis Infirmary, Sacred Heart Jesuit Center in…

Hauser, Richard J. “I’d die a happy man if my calling of theology professor and Jesuit priest would warrant the…

Richard J. Hauser “I’d die a happy man if my calling of theology professor and Jesuit priest would warrant the…

Nigro, Armand M. Jesuit Father Armand M. Nigro died Sept. 27, 2019, at Sacred Heart Jesuit Center in Los Gatos,…

Nosotros Highlight title highlight description… Nosotros Listen to God’s calling Learn more about Jesuit spirituality​ Take part in a Jesuit…

Historia P. Thomas Greene, SJ, es nombrado próximo Provincial de los Jesuitas 19 de noviembre de 2019.- el P. Arturo…