Novicios de 2023

La Compañía de Jesús da la Bienvenida a 35 Nuevos Novicios

La Compañía de Jesús en los EE. UU., Canadá y Haití recibió a 35 nuevos novicios jesuitas este otoño en noviciados de California, Minnesota, Nueva York y Haití. Han dado el primer paso en su camino hacia el sacerdocio o la hermandad jesuita, conocida como «formación jesuita», la cual puede llevar un total entre ocho a doce años.

Brian Craft

Hometown: Jackson, Mississippi
Province: USA East

Brian se graduó en Historia por la Universidad de Michigan y obtuvo un máster en Estudios Alemanes y Europeos por la Universidad de Georgetown. Trabajó como analista de riesgos en un bufete de abogados y como coordinador de programas en una organización sin ánimo de lucro que promueve los intercambios educativos entre Alemania y Estados Unidos. Participó activamente en los Caballeros de Colón y en el coro de su iglesia. La lectura de los escritos de San Ignacio y el discurso del Papa Francisco en la Casa Blanca influyeron en su decisión de unirse a los jesuitas. Los intereses de Brian incluyen el tenis, el esquí y la historia de la Iglesia.

In these first two years as novices, the men will learn what it means to live in community, adopt the rhythm of daily prayer and deepen their understanding of God’s call to the Society. They have selflessly devoted their lives to the service of the marginalized, to the church, to God and to each other.

St. Ignatius of Loyola, who co-founded the Society in 1540, first defined the elements of Jesuit formation in his Jesuit Constitutions. Jesuit novices still follow this plan today — adapted to the modern world.

The novices will complete a comprehensive program of service, ministry, study and prayer, methodically devised to help Jesuits grow in their relationships with Christ and identify how they can best serve him and all humankind. The new Jesuits attend orientation sessions, take on house jobs, share vocation stories and visit local Jesuit ministries.

Typical days at the novitiate consist of classes taught by the director and his assistant (known as the Socius), as well as daily Mass, group prayer and discussion of their spiritual journeys.

The novices will complete a series of “experiments” to explore their vocations and help them discern the specific ways they might be called to serve the church.

Novices also make St. Ignatius’ 30-day Spiritual Exercises silent retreat, which they commonly regard as the most meaningful part of the novitiate.

In the second year of their novitiate, novices are missioned to an assignment at a Jesuit-run organization, similar to an internship. Called a “long experiment,” this segment of the novitiate lasts several months.

As novices, Jesuits in the U.S. and Canada spend one of their summers at Regis University in Denver at a conference on Jesuit history, delving more intensely into St. Ignatius’ life while meeting their peers at other novitiates.

After two years, the hope is that novices will have become confident in their vocations, nurtured a more intimate relationship with God and developed a profound love for the Society of Jesus. At the end of their time as novices, they profess first vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. No longer novices, they are called “scholastics” as they continue to the next stage of Jesuit formation, First Studies, for two years of graduate-level philosophy courses.

Do you want to learn more about vocations to the Society of Jesus? Visit for more information.