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Par Tracey Primrose

Les délégués canadiens et américains de la CG 36 se réunissent à St Louis pour une session de planification cruciale

Le 26 octobre 2015 – Au XVIe siècle, saint Ignace de Loyola a fondé l’une des premières organisations multinationales au monde, la Communauté de Jésus. En octobre 2016, les Jésuites choisiront le successeur d’Ignace à Rome à la 36e congrégation générale, ou CG 36 en abrégé. Bien que les 215 délégués de la 36e CG représentant les provinces et régions jésuites du monde entier ne se réunissent pas avant un an, le travail de la congrégation a déjà commencé.

Lors d’une session de planification à Saint-Louis, quatre jésuites ont été élus aux postes de direction de la 36e congrégation générale : (de gauche à droite) le Père David Ciancimino, le Père Tim Kesicki, le Père John McCarthy et le Père Mark Ravizza.

Si l’élection d’un nouveau supérieur général jésuite pour remplacer le Père Adolfo Nicolás, SJ, qui est en service depuis 2008, sera le principal titre de la congrégation, l’aspect « Ad Negotiam » ou  » affaires  » de la réunion est tout aussi important. C’est la partie de la congrégation qui traite du De Statu, ou état de la Communauté, et la partie qui produit les décrets traçant la voie future de la Communauté.

À Saint-Louis la semaine dernière, les 33 délégués représentant le Canada et les États-Unis se sont réunis pour la première fois et ont pris plusieurs décisions importantes concernant la partie Ad Negotiam de la congrégation. Au cours de l’année prochaine, les délégués auront l’occasion unique d’examiner dans la prière l’état actuel de la Communauté et, plus important encore, son avenir. Et ce discernement et cette préparation auront lieu avant le début des procédures officielles, ce qui est une nouveauté dans l’histoire de la congrégation.

Dans les congrégations précédentes, les documents qui encadrent la réunion n’étaient diffusés que peu de temps avant que les délégués ne se réunissent à Rome, et les membres clés du comité n’étaient pas sélectionnés avant ce moment-là. En 2014, cependant, le Père Nicolás a approuvé la nouvelle formule, le manuel pour une congrégation générale créée par saint Ignace lui-même il y a près d’un demi-millénaire. Maintenant, une grande partie du travail de la congrégation peut être effectuée bien avant la première session plénière.

Les délégués se sont réunis pour la messe lors de la réunion à Saint-Louis.

Comme l’explique le Père Timothy Kesicki, SJ, président de la Conférence des Jésuites du Canada et des États-Unis, « Nous n’attendons pas d’être là-bas, nous commençons ces conversations maintenant ».

Le travail de la congrégation sera partagé par quatre comités. Chaque comité sera composé de six membres, représentant les six conférences jésuites du monde entier. Lors de la réunion des délégués de la semaine dernière, des représentants des comités du Canada et des États-Unis ont été élus, en utilisant, une fois de plus, des directives remontant à Ignace.

Bien que des règles strictes interdisent de faire campagne ou du lobbying, les murmuratio, des conversations individuelles, ont eu lieu avant l’élection, au cours desquelles les délégués ont examiné les points forts des 33 candidats possibles du Canada et des États-Unis.

Huit des 33 délégués avaient également participé à la 35e CG, ils étaient donc familiers avec le murmuratio. Mais pour le Père Tom Greene, SJ, délégué pour la première fois, c’était tout nouveau. « Il était émouvant d’entendre les huit parler de leur expérience du murmuratio avant l’élection du Père Nicolás. Leur discours était calme et poignant, et on pouvait voir que le processus avait encore une forte résonance émotionnelle en tant que temps sacré de discernement commun des jésuites ».

Parmi ses collègues délégués, le Père Greene a déclaré : « Je ne pourrais pas être plus heureux avec les hommes que nous avons choisis. Ce sont des jésuites très talentueux, et ils serviront bien la Communauté en préparant des documents et en coordonnant la congrégation ».

A la fin du murmuratio, des votes ont été effectués et quatre délégués ont été choisis pour les postes de direction.

Le Père Kesicki a été élu pour siéger au comité de coordination de la 36e CG, l’entité responsable de la planification et de la gestion de la congrégation.

Les jésuites se sont réunis à Saint-Louis la semaine dernière pour commencer à préparer la 36e Congrégation générale.

Le Père Mark Ravizza, SJ, fera partie du comité De Statu Societatis, qui examinera l’état de la Communauté actuelle, notamment en identifiant ce qui fonctionne bien et les domaines où il existe des possibilités de croissance et de renouvellement. Le Père Ravizza est le directeur de la mission et du ministère des jésuites à la Casa Bayanihan de l’Ateneo de Manille aux Philippines et a également été professeur associé de philosophie à l’université de Santa Clara en Californie.

Le Père David Ciancimino, SJ, fera partie de la commission sur le renouvellement de la gouvernance de la mission. Il est actuellement président de la Canisius High School à Buffalo, New York, et est l’ancien supérieur des jésuites de la province de New York.

Le Père John McCarthy, SJ, fera partie de la commission sur le renouveau de la vie et de la mission des jésuites. Le Père McCarthy est le socius (assistant) de la Province des Jésuites du Canada anglais et il est également le directeur de la formation de la province.

Sa commission examinera la manière dont les communautés jésuites se recoupent avec la mission des jésuites. « On nous demande d’examiner comment nous vivons en tant qu’amis du Seigneur, quelle est l’énergie et le dynamisme de nos communautés qui permettront de soutenir le travail missionnaire. Le Père Général a mis l’accent sur l’intégration entre la vie et la mission des jésuites et sur la façon dont nous organisons notre propre vie en communauté pour soutenir cela et le rendre plus efficace ».

 Bien que le Père McCarthy soit un habitué des réunions, ce n’était pas une réunion ordinaire. « Je l’ai trouvé très consolant. Au cours des dernières années, j’ai travaillé en étroite collaboration avec des collègues des États-Unis et du Mexique, et vous quittez ces réunions avec le sentiment d’une communauté beaucoup plus large. Rencontrer autant d’hommes de qualité et apprendre de leur expérience a été très gratifiant à bien des égards ».

Les commissions examineront les centaines de postulats ou de suggestions qui ont été soumis à la congrégation dans les provinces et régions jésuites du monde entier. Un postulat porte généralement sur les priorités apostoliques ou la gouvernance dans la Communauté de Jésus. Par exemple, un postulat pourrait demander comment la Communauté de Jésus répond à l’encyclique du Pape François sur l’environnement, Laudato Si’.

Selon le Père Kesicki, le changement de formule pour une congrégation générale est passionnant. « Dans le passé, les délégués ne commençaient à examiner les questions qu’à leur arrivée à Rome. Comme les commissions se réunissent au cours de l’année prochaine, non seulement elles ont le temps d’examiner les sujets, mais elles peuvent aussi faire appel à des experts extérieurs qui peuvent les conseiller pour résoudre des questions complexes. Vous n’êtes pas lié par l’expertise de la congrégation. Cela élargit le champ d’action avec une approche du 21e siècle ».

Le Père Kesicki a déclaré que les délégués abordent la prochaine congrégation avec générosité et foi. « Ils sont désireux d’engager leurs frères et d’offrir l’expertise de notre propre conférence à l’ensemble de la Communauté. C’est la première fois qu’une congrégation commence avec un pape jésuite, et la Communauté a un grand désir de se joindre à l’Église pour servir la vision et le témoignage du Pape François ».

Vous voulez en savoir plus sur les vocations à la Communauté Visitez le site pour plus d’informations.

Fr. Michael J. Garanzini, SJ

USA Delegate
Chicago Province
Fr. Michael J. Garanzini, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. Michael J. Garanzini, SJ, Secretary for Higher Education for the Society of Jesus and chancellor of Loyola University Chicago, is a delegate for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36.  Before becoming chancellor at Loyola, Fr. Garanzini served as president for 14 years, from 2001 to 2015. Prior to leading Loyola, Fr. Garanzini was a professor of psychology at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and before joining Georgetown, he was a visiting professor at Fordham University in New York.

Fr. Thomas H. Smolich, SJ

JRS Delegate
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS)
Fr. Thomas H. Smolich, SJ

JRS Delegate

Fr. Thomas H. Smolich, SJ, international director of Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), is a delegate for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. Prior to his role at JRS, Fr. Smolich served as the president of the Jesuit Conference. He also served as provincial of the California Province Jesuits from 1999 to 2005.

Br. Guy J. Consolmagno, SJ

USA Delegate
Maryland Province
Br. Guy J. Consolmagno, SJ

USA Delegate

Br. Guy J. Consolmagno, SJ, is a delegate for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. A Maryland Province Jesuit, he is currently an astronomer at the Vatican Observatory and president of the Vatican Observatory Foundation. Br. Consolmagno obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He obtained his Ph.D. in planetary science from the University of Arizona in 1978.

Fr. J. Thomas McClain, SJ

Rome Delegate
Jesuit Curia, Rome
Fr. J. Thomas McClain, SJ

Rome Delegate

Fr. J. Thomas McClain, SJ, general treasurer of the Society of Jesus at the Jesuit Curia in Rome, is a delegate for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. He earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Detroit Mercy; a Master of Divinity from the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University; and a master's degree in German language and literature from the University of California, Berkeley. Prior to his current appointment, Fr. McClain served as the pastor of St. Mary’s Student Parish and director of Catholic campus ministry at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor from 2005 to 2009, and as president of Regis High School in New York City from 1996 to 2004. He was treasurer of the Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus from 1992 to 1996.

Fr. Douglas W. Marcouiller, SJ

USA Delegate
Jesuit Curia, Rome
Fr. Douglas W. Marcouiller, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. Douglas W. Marcouiller, SJ, General Counselor and regional assistant for the USA Assistancy at the Jesuit Curia in Rome, is a delegate for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. He previously served as provincial of the Missouri Province of the Society of Jesus. He received a bachelor's degree from Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey, in public and international affairs in 1975; a master's degree in international relations from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1978; a Master of Divinity from the Weston School of Theology (now the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry) in 1986; and a doctorate in economics from the University of Texas at Austin in 1994. Before serving as provincial of the Missouri Province, Fr. Marcouiller taught economics as a professor at Saint Louis University.

Fr. Michael F. Weiler, SJ

USA Delegate
California Province
Fr. Michael F. Weiler, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. Michael F. Weiler, SJ, provincial of the California Province, is a delegate from his province for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. Prior to his current assignment, he was director of Jesuit novices in Culver City, California. Fr. Weiler entered the Jesuits in 1975, and following his ordination to the priesthood, he spent a year in Mexico and Central America learning Spanish. He then worked at Dolores Mission Parish in East Los Angeles for two years. Fr. Weiler next completed a Doctor of Psychology degree and then went to Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, California, where he worked in the Center for Psychological Services and taught in the counseling psychology program.

Fr. L. Orlando Torres, SJ

USA Delegate
Central and Southern Province
Fr. L. Orlando Torres, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. L. Orlando Torres, SJ, is a delegate from the Central and Southern Province for the Society of Jesus’ General Congregation 36. Originially from Puerto Rico, Fr. Torres serves the Jesuit Curia in Rome.

Fr. Mark A. Ravizza, SJ

USA Delegate
California Province
Fr. Mark A. Ravizza, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. Mark A. Ravizza, SJ, is a delegate from the California Province for the Society of Jesus’ General Congregation 36. He is the director of Jesuit Mission and Ministry at Casa Bayanihan at Ateneo de Manila in the Philippines. He has also served as an associate professor of philosophy at Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, California. He earned his doctorate from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.

Fr. Chi V. Ngo, SJ

USA Delegate
California Province
Fr. Chi V. Ngo, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. Chi V. Ngo, SJ, is a delegate from the California Province for the Society of Jesus’ General Congregation 36. He is a retreat and spiritual director at the Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos in Los Altos, California. Formerly, he served as the provincial assistant for formation and vocations for the California Province. He earned a bachelor's degree in engineering from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, and a Master of Divinity degree from the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University in Berkeley, California.

Fr. John W. McCarthy, SJ

Canada Delegate
English Canada Province
Fr. John W. McCarthy, SJ

Canada Delegate

Fr. John McCarthy, SJ, is a delegate from the English Canada Province for the Society of Jesus’ General Congregation 36. He is socius (assistant) to the provincial, director of formation, and doing research and writing in ecology. He received a bachelor’s degree in forest tree biology from the University of New Brunswick, a master’s degree in soil science from the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, and a Ph.D. in boreal forest ecology from the University of British Columbia. He is author of the book “Do Monkeys Go to Heaven? Finding God in All Creation."

Fr. Thomas D. Stegman, SJ

USA Delegate
Wisconsin Province
Fr. Thomas D. Stegman, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. Thomas D. Stegman, SJ, is a delegate from the Wisconsin Province for the Society of Jesus’ General Congregation 36. He is currently chair of the ecclesiastical faculty and a professor at Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. He holds a master's degree in philosophy from Marquette University in Milwaukee, and a Master of Divinity degree from the Weston Jesuit School of Theology (now the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry). He also earned a Ph.D. in New Testament studies from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. In addition to his teaching and research responsibilities, Fr. Stegman enjoys giving lectures and workshops for parishes and dioceses.

Fr. Scott R. Santarosa, SJ

USA Delegate
Oregon Province
Fr. Scott R. Santarosa, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. Scott R. Santarosa, SJ, provincial of the Oregon Province, is a delegate from the province for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. Prior to his current appointment, he was pastor at Dolores Mission Church, a Latino parish in East Los Angeles. After graduating from Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, California, he spent a year with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and entered the Jesuits in 1989. He was ordained to the priesthood in 2000 and then worked for five years at Verbum Dei High School, an inner-city school in the Watts section of South Los Angeles, as a religious studies teacher and a campus minister. He also served as the vice president for development and communication for two years and as the acting principal for another year.

Fr. Hung T. Pham, SJ

USA Delegate
Central and Southern Province
Fr. Hung T. Pham, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. Hung T. Pham, SJ, is a delegate from the Central and Southern Province for the Society of Jesus’ General Congregation 36. He is an assistant professor of Ignatian spirituality at the Jesuit School of Theology at Santa Clara University. Fr. Pham holds a bachelor’s degree in math, chemistry and biology from Regis University in Denver; a master’s degree in philosophy from Saint Louis University; and a doctorate in Ignatian spirituality from Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Madrid. He taught at St. Louis University High School and worked for the Jesuit Refugee Service of Asia Pacific, training math and science teachers in the Burmese refugee camp in Northern Thailand.

Fr. Brian G. Paulson, SJ

USA Delegate
Chicago-Detroit Province
Fr. Brian G. Paulson, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. Brian G. Paulson, SJ, provincial of the USA Midwest Province, is a delegate from his province for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. Before his current position, he was president of Saint Ignatius College Prep in Chicago for 11 years and then served as rector of the Loyola University Chicago Jesuit Community. He also served as vocations director for the Chicago Province from 1993 to 1998. Fr. Paulson earned a bachelor’s degree in international economics from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in Washington, D.C., before joining the Jesuits in 1981, and he later earned a master’s degree in education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Fr. Joseph M. O’Keefe, SJ

USA Delegate
Northeast Province
Fr. Joseph M. O’Keefe, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. Joseph M. O’Keefe, SJ, is a delegate from the Northeast Province for the Society of Jesus’ General Congregation 36. He currently serves as the director of the Center of Ignatian Spirituality and a professor at Boston College. He holds a doctoral degree in administration, planning and social policy from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Fr. O'Keefe earned his bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts; a master’s degree in French literature from Fordham University in the Bronx, New York; and a Master of Divinity from the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry.

Fr. Ronald A. Mercier, SJ

USA Delegate
Central and Southern Province
Fr. Ronald A. Mercier, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. Ronald A. Mercier, SJ, provincial of the Central and Southern Province, is a delegate from his province for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. Prior to his role as provincial, Fr. Mercier taught ethics at Saint Louis University and earlier served as the executive director of the Jesuit Collaborative in Boston, a network linking ministries in Ignatian spirituality from North Carolina to Maine. Fr. Mercier earned a bachelor’s degree in Russian and East European Studies from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, and a master’s degree in history from Columbia University in New York City.

Fr. Thomas J. Lamanna, SJ

USA Delegate
Oregon Province
Fr. Thomas J. Lamanna, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. Thomas J. Lamanna, SJ, is a delegate from the Oregon Province for the Society of Jesus’ General Congregation 36. He is superior of the Jesuit Community at Bellarmine Preparatory School in Tacoma, Washington, where he also teaches social studies. Prior to that, he was the novice director at Ignatius House in Culver City, California. He also serves as a province consultor.

Fr. Thomas P. Greene, SJ

USA Delegate
Central and Southern Province
Fr. Thomas P. Greene, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. Thomas P. Greene, SJ, is a delegate from the Central and Southern Province for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. He is the rector of First Studies at St. Louis University. From 2010 to 2014, Fr. Greene was Secretary for Social and International Ministries at the Jesuit Conference. He was a founding member of the Jesuit Social Research Institute of Loyola University New Orleans in 2007. His ministries have included the legal representation of detained immigrant children and asylum seekers in Chicago, Houston and New Orleans.

Fr. Robert J. Geisinger, SJ

USA Delegate
Chicago-Detroit Province
Fr. Robert J. Geisinger, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. Robert J. Geisinger, SJ, is a delegate from the Chicago-Detroit Province for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. Fr. Geisinger serves in the Vatican as the Promoter of Justice at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Previously, Fr. Geisinger served in Rome as general procurator for the Society of Jesus.

Fr. Michael C. McFarland, SJ

USA Delegate
Northeast Province
Fr. Michael C. McFarland, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. Michael C. McFarland, SJ, is a delegate from the Northeast Province for the Society of Jesus’ General Congregation 36. He is treasurer for the Northeast Province. Previously, he was president of the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, from 2000 to 2012. Prior to that he served as the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington, where he was also a professor of computer science. He earned a bachelor’s degree in physics at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and a master’s degree and Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Fr. Thomas A. Lawler, SJ

USA Delegate
Wisconsin Province
Fr. Thomas A. Lawler, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. Thomas A. Lawler, SJ, provincial of the Wisconsin Province, is a delegate from his province for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. Previously, he served as the vocations director for the Wisconsin Province and served as assistant director at the Sioux Spirituality Center, a Jesuit retreat center and ministry training program for Native American Catholics in South Dakota. Fr. Lawler entered the Society of Jesus in 1987 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1999. His degrees include a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from the University of Dallas in Irving, Texas, and a master’s degree in social work from Loyola University Chicago.

Fr. Herbert B. Keller, SJ

USA Delegate
Maryland Province
Fr. Herbert B. Keller, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. Herbert B. Keller, SJ, is a delegate from the Maryland Province for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. He served as president of Scranton Preparatory School in Pennsylvania from 1997 to 2015, making him the school's longest-serving president. He also served as principal of Scranton Prep and of Saint Joseph's Preparatory School in Philadelphia. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English and philosophy from Fordham University in New York and a Master of Divinity degree from Weston School of Theology in Cambridge, Massachusetts (now the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry).

Fr. Robert M. Hussey, SJ

USA Delegate
Maryland Province
Fr. Robert M. Hussey, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. Robert M. Hussey, SJ, provincial of the Maryland Province, is a delegate from his province for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. Prior to his position as provincial, he served for six years as pastor of St. Raphael the Archangel Church, a diverse parish in Raleigh, North Carolina. Fr. Hussey, who entered the Jesuits in 1989 and was ordained a priest in 2000, has a Ph.D. in economics from Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, and is fluent in Spanish. He served on the faculty of ILADES/Georgetown University Graduate Program in Economics in Santiago, Chile, and was on the economics faculty at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. While at Georgetown, Fr. Hussey was also involved in pastoral work on campus and Hispanic ministry at a local jail.

Fr. James G. Gartland, SJ

USA Delegate
Chicago-Detroit Province
Fr. James G. Gartland, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. James G. Gartland, SJ, is a delegate from the Chicago-Detroit Province for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. He is the rector of the Blessed Peter Faber Jesuit Community at Boston College and serves on the Board of Trustees at Marquette University in Milwaukee. Previously, he served as president of Cristo Rey Jesuit High School in Chicago from 2004 to 2012. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio, master’s degrees in philosophy and religious education from Loyola University Chicago, and a master’s in divinity from the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, California.

Fr. Gabriel Côté, SJ

Canada Delegate
French Canada Province
Fr. Gabriel Côté, SJ

Canada Delegate

Fr. Gabriel Côté, SJ, is a delegate from the French Canada Province for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. He is the director of Villa Saint Martin, a spiritual center in Montreal.

Fr. Joseph S. Costantino, SJ

USA Delegate
Northeast Province
Fr. Joseph S. Costantino, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. Joseph S. Costantino, SJ, is a delegate from the Northeast Province for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. He served as president of Canisius High School in Buffalo, New York from 2013 to 2015. Prior to that, he served as pastor of the Church of St. Francis Xavier in Manhattan from 2006 to 2013. He has also served as director of vocations in the New York and Maryland Provinces and as executive director of the St. Ignatius Retreat House in New York. He earned a master's degree in philosophy from Fordham University in New York and a Master of Divinity degree from Weston Jesuit School of Theology (now the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry).

Fr. David J. Collins, SJ

USA Delegate
Maryland Province
Fr. David J. Collins, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. David J. Collins, SJ, is a delegate from the Maryland Province for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. He currently serves as an associate professor of history at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and as a vocation promoter for his province. A native of Washington, D.C., Fr. Collins' Jesuit training and doctoral studies took him to Philadelphia, Boston, Munich and Chicago, among other places. He returned in 2004 to join the history department at Georgetown University.

Fr. David S. Ciancimino, SJ

USA Delegate
Northeast Province
Fr. David S. Ciancimino, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. David S. Ciancimino, SJ, is a delegate from the Northeast Province for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. He currently serves as the president of Canisius High School in Buffalo, New York. Prior to this role, he served as the provincial of the New York Province Jesuits from 2008 to 2014. He is a graduate of Fordham University in the Bronx, New York, and the Weston School of Theology (now the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry), with master’s degrees in theology and divinity. He also holds a New York State certification in secondary education administration from Canisius College. He taught religion, Spanish and French at Canisius High School from 1989 to 1995; served as director of admissions from 1989 to 1992; and was principal from 1992 to 1997. Fr. Ciancimino then served as headmaster of Xavier High School in New York City from 1997 to 2004. He was then appointed assistant to the New York Jesuit provincial from 2004 to 2008 before being named provincial.

Fr. John J. Cecero, SJ

USA Delegate
Northeast Province
Fr. John J. Cecero, SJ

USA Delegate

Fr. John J. Cecero, SJ, provincial of the USA Jesuits Northeast Province, is a delegate from his province for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. He received a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from George Washington University in Washington, D.C., in 1996. Following an internship at the Boston Veterans Affairs Hospital and a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in substance abuse treatments at Yale University’s Department of Psychiatry, Fr. Cecero spent 15 years as a professor of psychology at Fordham University in New York (1998-2013). From 2007 to 2013, he was also rector of the Spellman Hall Jesuit Community on Fordham’s Rose Hill campus.

Fr. Peter Bisson, SJ

Canada Delegate
English Canada Province
Fr. Peter Bisson, SJ

Canada Delegate

Fr. Peter Bisson, SJ, provincial of the English Canada Province, is a delegate from his province for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. Previously Fr. Bisson served as socius (assistant) to the provincial and as the director of the Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice in Toronto. He also served as an assistant professor of religious studies at Campion College at the University of Regina in Regina, Saskatchewan. His work in ministry has included prison and hospital chaplaincy, ministry to the handicapped and refugee advocacy. Fr. Bisson’s education includes a doctorate and master’s in theology, as well as master’s degrees in divinity, philosophy and religion.

Fr. Jean-Marc Biron, SJ

Canada Delegate
French Canada Province
Fr. Jean-Marc Biron, SJ

Canada Delegate

Fr. Jean-Marc Biron, SJ, provincial of the French Canada Province Jesuits, is a delegrate from his province for the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 36. Prior to his appointment as provincial, he served as director of the Manresa Spirituality Centre in Quebec City, was a master of Jesuit novices for 10 years and was director of the magazine Relations. He also served as director of the Jesuit Social Center, the Center of Justice and Faith, in Montreal. Fr. Biron, who has a bachelor’s degree in pastoral theology and a master’s degree in education, has been active in spiritual accompaniment. He has offered retreats in the areas of spirituality and the relationships between spirituality and social issues since 1994.