La Compagnie de Jésus est fière d’annoncer l’ordination de 15 nouveaux prêtres au Canada, aux États-Unis et en Haïti cette année civile. Nous vous invitons à en savoir davantage sur chaque ordinand en cliquant sur leur photo dans la colonne de droite.
Fr. Kevin Kelly, S.J., was ordained May 23 by the Most Reverend Terrence Prendergast, S.J., Archbishop of Ottawa and Alexandria-Cornwall, in one of two ceremonies held in the empty Church of Our Lady of Lourdes in Toronto. Read more about the ceremony by clicking here.
Along with Fr. Kelly, Christopher Kellerman, S.J.; Trevor Rainwater, S.J.; Oshish Tirkey, S.J.; Jean Francky Guerrier, S.J. and Adam Lalonde, S.J., were also ordained to the diaconate by Archbishop Prendergast.
Fr. Joshua M. Peters, S.J., was ordained at Ss. Peter and Paul Jesuit Church in Detroit on Saturday, June 20, 2020, at 12:30pm EDT. Bishop Donald Hanchon, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Detroit, presided at the ordination. View the recorded livestream:
Fr. Joshua M. Peters, S.J. at his ordination.
Upcoming ordinations:
It’s safe to assume every Jesuit has been asked to tell his vocation story at least once — and probably far more times than that.
But how about boiling that story of a lifetime down to six words or less? This was one of the questions the 15 Jesuits ordained to the priesthood were asked to ponder leading up to these celebrations.
“Forgiven, healed, loved. Responding in love,” said Kevin Hughes, S.J.
“Go and do likewise (Luke 10:37),” wrote San Mai, S.J.
And Jason Downer, S.J.: “Abundant grace.”
Grace certainly abounds in the lives and vocations of these 15 men from Canada, the United States and Haiti who have said yes to their Catholic faith, yes to the Society of Jesus and yes to the call to ordained priesthood. Their witness is a sign of joyful hope. Their witness is an invitation to all of us to put our faith into action in service to God and our sisters and brothers everywhere.
The formation process (i.e., training) that leads up to Jesuit priestly ordination is a long one, typically lasting 10-12 years and including intensive stages of study, ministry, accompaniment of those on the margins of society, prayer and more — all while living in Jesuit community. This brochure is just a snapshot into the lives of these men throughout their life in the Society of Jesus, capturing some highlights from their journeys and providing a glimpse of their unique personalities. As you learn about them, please keep them in your hearts and in your prayers:
Loving God,
Like his Savior and brother, Jesus Christ,
St. Ignatius of Loyola gathered companions
for his ministry of faith, hope and love.
We are thankful that so many thousands of others
have answered the call to the Society of Jesus through the ages.
Bless these 15 men who will continue to serve
the Society, the Church and the world as ordained priests.
Never cease to enkindle their love for you and your people.
And strengthen all of us to serve with them as fellow disciples.
We pray this through Christ, Our Lord,
Download the 2020 ordination booklet here.
Do you want to learn more about vocations to the Society of Jesus? Visit for more information.