Schloemer, Thomas N. (Father)

June 18, 2024

Let us pray in thanksgiving for the life of Fr. Thomas N. Schloemer, SJ, who died on June 18, 2024 at St. Camillus Jesuit Community in Wauwautosa, Wisconsin. He was 88 years old. May he rest in peace.

Let us pray in thanksgiving for the life of Fr. Thomas N. Schloemer, SJ, who died on June 18, 2024 at St. Camillus Jesuit Community in Wauwautosa, Wisconsin. He was 88 years old. May he rest in peace.

Tom is preceded in death by his sister, Joan Kidman. He is survived by his niece (Pamela Klas), and nephew (Thomas Kidman).

Tom was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on July 30, 1935. He graduated from Marquette University High School (MUHS) and studied for two years at Marquette University before entering the Wisconsin Province of the Society of Jesus on August 8, 1955 at the Jesuit Novitiate at Oshkosh, Wisconsin. He was ordained a priest on June 4, 1968 at the Church of the Gesu in Milwaukee and pronounced final vows on August 15, 1980 in the Marquette University Jesuit Community.

While in the Society, Tom earned bachelor’s degrees in psychology (1961) and Sacred Theology (1969) from Saint Louis University. He also earned a master’s degree in education from Marquette University (1967).

During regency, Tom taught Latin at Campion Jesuit High School in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin (1962-1965). After ordination, he was principal of MUHS (1969-1971) and minister of the Creighton Preparatory Jesuit Community in Omaha (1971-1972) before being missioned to be the Socius to the Wisconsin Provincial (1972-1976). Tom was the president of Creighton Preparatory School for a year (1976-1977) before refocusing his energies to the pastoral and higher education apostolates.

Tom ministered as associate/acting pastor at: St. John’s Parish in Omaha, Nebraska (1996); St. Patrick’s Church in Elkhorn, Nebraska (1997); and the Church of the Gesu in Milwaukee (2006-2007). He also was an associate pastor (1977-1979) and pastor (1987-1990) at the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Mankato, Minnesota (1977-1979).

Tom worked a total of seven years at Marquette University where he was: assistant to the vice president for university relations (1979-1980); director of alumni relations (1980-1982); a campus minister (1992-1993; 2005); and an academic advisor (1994-1996; 2005-2006). He ministered at Creighton University for a total of twelve years as an assistant to the president (1982-1987) and an academic advisor (1997-2004).

After his service as associate pastor of the Church of the Gesu, Tom ministered to priests of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee (2007-2009) before being missioned in 2009 to St. Camillus Jesuit Community to pray for the Church and the Society.

Fr. Patrick Burns, SJ, has this to say about Tom:

Tom was a fine Jesuit priest, available for all sorts of ministries, reliable, practical, and a good companion in community. He held leadership positions but did not mind serving as an assistant. He touched the lives and hearts of many people in his work as a pastor and spiritual director.  

Fr. George Winzenburg, SJ, has this to say about Tom:

Tom’s life was centered on the Eucharist. He loved being a priest. He carefully prepared his homilies and applied the Word of God to the realities people were facing in their lives. He preached numerous retreats at Demontreville and Oshkosh, and was a spiritual director to priests, women religious, and lay people. He was close to his Jesuit classmates who were novices in Oshkosh and Florissant. He enjoyed living in residence halls at Creighton and Marquette, where he was a popular academic advisor. His quiet bearing and keen listening were much appreciated. Beloved by students, he officiated at many weddings and baptisms. Tom also was an avid sports fan. He followed the New York Yankees but was also tied to the Milwaukee Braves and later the Milwaukee Brewers. A framed photo of Joe Dimaggio and a pennant of the World Champion 1957 Milwaukee Braves hung in his room. He wore t-shirts and caps bearing the logo of the Green Bay Packers, Milwaukee Bucks, and Milwaukee Brewers.

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