Justice and Ecology

Responding to the Signs of the Times

The promotion of justice and care for creation are central to the mission of the Society of Jesus. Inspired by our tradition, which calls us to live a faith that does justice, Jesuit works across the U.S. and Canada are responding to today’s pressing challenges.

Whether running non-profits, teaching at schools and universities, or advocating for policy change, we work in solidarity with marginalized communities to build a more just society.

Learn more about our work and how you can get involved.






Native Boarding School Truth & Healing

The Jesuits are committed to examining the history of our boarding schools for Native students as an important step on the path toward healing.

Laudato Si’ in action

Laudato Si’  challenges the global church to embark on a journey of renewal — a journey that heals our fractured relationships with Creator, Creation and each other. We’ve created this resource to help the Ignatian family put  begin this journey with the tools of Ignatian spirituality.

Latest Posts

Nearly 250 students from Jesuit schools around the country gathered at St. Aloysius Church in Washington, D.C., for the annual…
Catch up on all the latest news from the Jesuits in Canada and the United States….
On this episode of the AMDG podcast, Michelle Nickerson discusses her new book about a group of Catholic anti-war protesters…
On this episode of the AMDG podcast, celebrity chef and restauranter Lidia Bastianich shares how her family’s time as refugees…
On this episode of the AMDG podcast, Tom Mulloy, director of government relations at the Jesuit Conference, shares why his…
Catch up on all the latest news from the Jesuits in Canada and the United States….

This Sunday, September 29, is the 110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees. Since 1914, Catholics around the world have…

Fr. Zach Presutti, SJ, founder and executive director of the Thrive For Life Prison Project, shares how the project got…
On this episode of the AMDG podcast, reporter Jack Herrera discusses his profile for The New Yorker about a Jesuit…
Here’s the latest news from the Jesuits in Canada and the United States….
Dr. Laurie Cassidy, Elise Gower and Justin White discuss racism and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius….

August 15, 2024—One year ago, the Nicaraguan government confiscated the Jesuits’ University of Central America (UCA) in Managua. The Central…

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Our Mission

The mission of the Society of Jesus calls us to reconciliation with God, humanity and the environment. Our work for social and ecological justice is grounded in four principles.


Our work is rooted in Catholic social teaching and Ignatian spirituality.

Social Analysis

Our ministries and advocacy draws on the research of Jesuit institutions and other partners.


We work for the common good with Jesuit ministries and other Catholic, faith-based, and secular organizations.

Preferential Option for the Poor

We center the voices of marginalized communities in our work and advocacy.

The Office of Justice and Ecology

The Voice of Jesuit Leadership

At the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States, the Office of Justice and Ecology engages in government relations and federal advocacy on behalf of our major superiors. Grounded in Catholic social teaching and policy analysis, OJE works to build and engage our regional, national and global networks for the promotion of a more just world.

Important Update
End Plastics Pollution
The U.S. produced 42 million metric tons of plastic waste in 2016. Join the Jesuits asking the Senate to stop this toxic cycle of plastic production and pollution with the Break Free from Plastics Pollution Act.

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