Artist Molly Fulton Paints “St. Ignatius the Pilgrim” for the Ignatian Year

June 1, 2021 — Molly Noem Fulton, a South Dakota-based artist, has created “St. Ignatius the Pilgrim,” a new work of art celebrating the Ignatian Year, which began May 20, 2021, on the 500th anniversary of the day when Ignatius the soldier was struck by a cannonball and began his transformation into Ignatius the pilgrim. During the Ignatian Year — which will include the 400th anniversary of the canonization of St. Ignatius and St. Francis Xavier on March 12, 2022, and conclude on the feast of St. Ignatius, July 31, 2022 — we are invited “to see all things new in Christ.”

“St. Ignatius the Pilgrim” art

She offers this reflection on the painting:

“St. Ignatius the Pilgrim, created on paper with acrylic gouache and pen, was inspired in part by Fr. James Martin’s description of Ignatius and close friends Peter Faber and Francis Xavier. In “The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything,” Fr. Martin writes of the vast ‘differences in temperaments and talents’ in these men who dedicated their lives to a common cause. Considering the ways these men, and the many who have come after, used their gifts in the world naturally lent itself to layers and different paths.

“Within the landform we see rural farms, urban settings and beyond that an overarching theme of nature. I especially held in mind the image of Ignatius in silent prayer on a rooftop beneath stars. As a South Dakotan with plenty of open sky, this image and emphasis was inspiring. And finally, at the heart of the work is the cave at Manresa holding the words, ‘God in all things. In dark and in light, I Am is in all things.’ An inescapable truth for our times for certain.”

About Molly Noem Fulton:
Molly Noem FultonI am South Dakota based artist with a focus on good people, good places through patterned lines and bright color. My work explores people and places that shape us, forming identity and values. I work predominantly with acrylic, gouache and pen on paper and enjoy using repetitive shapes and forms to reflect on individual, familial and societal identity and values.

I am a graduate of Saint Mary’s College (Notre Dame, Indiana) followed by a Master of Arts in Instruction from Saint Mary’s University (Winona, Minnesota). My husband and I are joined by three boys who keep the house bubbling with action, and I have chosen to observe and participate in that movement while developing my art practice.

Follow her on Instagram.

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