The Ignatian Way to Tell Your Story and Build Your Audience

Session 1:  Tell Your Story
Thursday, February 16
12:30-1:30pm ET / 9:30-10:30am PT

Session 2: Build Your Audience
Tuesday, February 28
12:30-1:30pm ET / 9:30-10:30am PT

Content creators in faith-based spaces all wrestle with these two questions: What do I want to say that’s distinctive and true? And how do I connect with the readers or viewers I want to reach? Learn how to sharpen your voice and reach your intended audience with this free two-part webinar series from the Jesuits of Canada and the United States. 

Featuring Three Expert Panelists

Fr. Michael Rossmann, SJ, is a Jesuit priest and doctoral student at the Gregorian University in Rome. He started the “One-Minute Homily” and previously served as the editor-in-chief of The Jesuit Post. He is the author of “The Freedom of Missing Out” and posts a weekly video reflection at



Shannon K. Evans is the author of the books “Feminist Prayers for My Daughter,” “Rewilding Motherhood” and “Embracing Weakness,” as well as the guided journal Luminous. She is the Spirituality and Culture editor for the National Catholic Reporter. She also writes and leads retreats for the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States.



Charisse Broderick King began working at Regis Jesuit High School near Denver in 2008 and established the school’s Communications Office in 2011 to advance and promote the mission among a variety of audiences, utilizing a wide array of both digital and traditional media channels. Leveraging her educational background in journalism and psychology, certification in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and lessons learned in the Jesuit Schools Network Seminars in Ignatian Leadership, she focuses on creating clear and impactful communications firmly rooted in Ignatian ideals.



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