Lemon, James C. (Brother)

August 30, 2016

Jesuit Brother James C. Lemon died on Aug. 30, 2016. He was 82.

Lemon, James C.

Jesuit Brother James C. Lemon died on Aug. 30, 2016. He was 82.

Br. Lemon was born in Philadelphia on Feb. 22, 1934. He entered the Society of Jesus at the Novitiate of St. Isaac Jogues in Wernersville, Pennsylvania, in 1954 and took his final vows as a Jesuit brother in February of 1965.

Br. Lemon was a sacristan at Woodstock College until 1969 when he moved to Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia to help manage the bookstore and serve as the assistant director of the Archdiocesan Information Center. In 1978, he became assistant to the president at St. Joseph’s Prep, and was also an administrative assistant and a teacher of typing.

In 1986, Br. Lemon headed north to Scranton where he was assistant principal at Scranton Prep. In 1992, following two short assignments as assistant to the superior at Old St. Joseph’s Church in Philadelphia and as a sacristan at Georgetown University, Br. Lemon returned to Scranton Prep where he was a school administrator and manager of the bookstore until 2011 when he moved to the Jesuit Community of St. Isaac Jogues.

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