25 Days of Ignatian Spiritual Gifts

As members of the Ignatian family – Jesuits and Jesuit collaborators, individuals formed by the Spiritual Exercises or educated at Jesuit institutions – we know that Ignatian spirituality is a gift to the world. This Advent, as we make room in our hearts for the coming of Christ, we want to package that gift anew to give to the world.

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Eric Clayton,

senior communications manager at the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States, gives the Ignatian spiritual gift of prophetic listening.

Fr. James Martin, SJ

Fr. James Martin, SJ,

editor-at-large for America Media, gives the Ignatian spiritual gift of Pope Francis' papacy -- and the spiritual lessons therein!

Cameron Bellm,

writer for the Jesuits.org "Spirit & Verse" monthly poetry column and author of "A Consoling Embrace: Prayers for a Time of Pandemic," gives the Ignatian spiritual gift of pilgrimage.

Danielle Harrison

Danielle Harrison,

co-director of the Slavery, History, Memory and Reconciliation Project of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States, gives the Ignatian spiritual gift of the suscipe prayer.

Patrick Saint-Jean

Patrick Saint-Jean, SJ,

Jesuit in formation and professor of psychology at Creighton University, gives the Ignatian spiritual gift of gratitude.

Sr. Laurence Loubières, XMCJ,

Director of the Service for Discernment in Common for the Jesuit Province of Canada, offers the Ignatian spiritual gift of communal discernment.

Fr. Michael Rossmann, SJ,

vocation promoter for the US Midwest Jesuits, explores the gift of accompanying young people in discerning their vocation.

Shannon Evans,

"Everyday Ignatian" columnist at Jesuits.org and author of "Embracing Weakness: The Unlikely Secret to Changing the World," gives the Ignatian spiritual gift of the Examen.

MegAnne Liebsch,

communications associate for the Jesuit Conference office of justice and ecology, reflects on the Ignatian spiritual gift of love and service.

Br. Matt Wooters, SJ,

a Jesuit in the last stage of formation, studying at the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, California, gives the gift of the first principle and foundation.

Becky Eldredge,

an Ignatian-trained spiritual director, retreat facilitator and author, shares the gift of contemplation in action -- and the impact it can have on our life of prayer.

Fr. Jason Downer, SJ,

a Jesuit priest of the US East Province on assignment in the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa, living in Saipan, the largest island of the Northern Mariana Islands, gives the Ignatian spiritual gift of mission work.

Br. Ken Homan, SJ,

a doctoral student at Georgetown University, shares the Ignatian gift of his own spirituality -- that of Jesuit brothers.

Vinita Wright,

editor and author at Loyola Press -- as well as a spiritual director and retreat facilitator -- celebrates the Ignatian spiritual gift of discovering God's voice within.

Fr. Radmar Jao, SJ,

director of vocations for the US West Jesuit Province, reflects on St. Ignatius' offering before Our Lady of Montserrat -- and the gift of detachment that flows from it.

Sr. Colleen Gibson, SSJ,

a Sister of Saint Joseph, an order rooted in the Ignatian tradition, challenges us to receive the call to reconcile with our neighbor as a gift.

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Annie Fox,

the provincial assistant for social ministry organizing for Jesuits West, gives the Ignatian spiritual gift of finding God in all things.

Cait O'Donnell,

a veteran of both the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and the Jesuit Refugee Service, gives the gift of community, reflecting particularly on the importance of companionship.

Jordan Denari Duffner,

a scholar of Muslim-Christian relations and interreligious dialogue, offers the Ignatian spiritual gift of imaginative prayer.

Cecilia Calvo,

senior advisor on environmental justice for the Jesuit Conference's Office of Justice and Ecology, gives the gift of caring for creation, a pillar of the Jesuits' global mission.

Joan Rosenhauer,

executive director of Jesuit Refugee Service/USA, gives the Ignatian spiritual gift of global community -- and reminds us to heed Pope Francis' words in Fratelli tutti.

Brenna Davis,

Director of Education for Justice and Environmental Initiatives at the Ignatian Solidarity Network, gives the gift of Ignatian indifference.


Nate Radomski,

executive director of Magis Americas, challenges us to reflect on the gift that is the Gospel call to accompany the vulnerable.

Fr. Tim Kesicki, SJ,

president of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States, reflects on the Ignatian gift of agere contra, Latin for "to act against."

Fr. Adam Rosinski, SJ,

assistant director of vocations for the US East Jesuit Province, gives the final gift -- the gift of the Incarnation.

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