Ignatian Digital Retreats

Here at the Jesuit Conference, we’re always prayerfully reflecting on ways to lead you — members of our community — more deeply into relationship with God. Through our ever-growing list of digital retreats, we hope to do just that. 

Imago Dei: An Image of Reconciliation

This retreat is a retreat for healing, a response to the divisive and harmful rhetoric of the last several months. This retreat challenges you to recalibrate how you relate to God, neighbor and self through reflections on reconciliation.

Imago Dei: Encountering God's People Through Religious Imagery & Storytelling

This retreat invites you to contemplate how God — and the stories of God’s people — can and should be represented in the symbols and images with which we surround ourselves and our sacred spaces, and challenges you to reflect on how those symbols and images translate to concrete action for justice in your everyday life.

Into the Cave: An Ignatian Retreat for a Pandemic

During this time of isolation, lockdown and quarantine, it is more important than ever to continue finding God in all things. This digital retreat is a tool for exactly that. Pray through it individually, or invite members of your community to reflect and share together remotely.

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