Catholics have a lot of Lenten traditions. If you’ve been Catholic a long time, you may not even register these traditions; they may feel tired and routine. This Lent, use Ignatian spirituality to breathe new insight into these sacred rituals. Learn about Lent and about Ignatian spirituality through the lived experiences of fellow practitioners.
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An Ignatian approach to traditional forms of Lenten prayer
Shannon Evans, author and columnist at, reflects on the power of imaginative prayer.
Fr. Thomas Reese, SJ, senior analyst at Religion News Service, reflects on how the daily readings for Lent invite us deeper into our Catholic faith.
Cameron Bellm, writer at, shares a traditional Lenten prayer practice from her family.
Dr. Marina McCoy, professor of philosophy at Boston College, provides an Ignatian approach to resisting temptation.
Author and spiritual director Becky Eldredge invites us to reflect on how Jesus invites us to share in our suffering.
Carlos Aedo, Director of Hispanic Ministries at the Office of Ignatian Spirituality, reflects on how St. Ignatius provides us with a roadmap toward reconciliation.
Lenten challenges to put your prayerful contemplation into concrete action for the common good
Eric Clayton, senior communications manager at the Jesuit Conference, reflects on the importance of fasting as a contemplative in action.
Josh Utter, outreach coordinator for Jesuit Refugee Service/USA, reflects on the importance of performing charitable works during Lent.
Elise Gower, associate director of Contemplative Leaders in Action, reflects on how she frees herself for new practices during Lent.
Patrick Sullivan, theology teacher at Gonzaga College High School, encourages us to ongoing conversion during Lent.
Anna Misleh, project manager for the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life at Georgetown University, shares how the pandemic has prepared her for Lent.
Fr. Greg Kennedy, SJ, reflects on how the invitation to eat meatless on Fridays during Lent has impacts well beyond these forty days.
José Sanchez, Assistant to the Provincial for Communications for the Jesuits of Canada, describes how he takes up yearly Lenten challenges.
Fr. Jim McDermott, SJ, walks us through how to apply the Ignatian Examen to our Lenten almsgiving.
Zandra Schiemann, program coordinator of Ignatian Hispanic Ministries for the Office of Ignatian Spirituality, challenges us to love and serve this Lent.
Significant moments and symbols during Lent through which we encounter God in new ways
Christopher Smith, SJ, invites us to embrace the Ignatian principle of agere contra - "to act against" - this Ash Wednesday.
Deanna Howes Spiro, VP for communications at the Association for Jesuit Colleges and Universities, reflects on God in purple.
Danielle Harrison, co-director of the Slavery, History, Memory and Reconciliation project, reflects on the cross.
Ian Peoples, SJ, invites us to imagine ourselves in the Stations of the Cross.
Martin Ngo, SJ, reflects on how nails can keep us attached to things we're better off letting go of.
Author and editor Nick Ripatrazone shares wisdom from the Desert Fathers for our own Lenten journey in the desert.
Bill McCormick, SJ, reflects on how the crown of thorns is an invitation to obedience - and how obedience leads to hope.
Colleen Gibson, SSJ, invites us to look at Holy Thursday in a new way this Lent.
Emily Schumacher-Novak, associate director at the USCCB's Justice, Peace and Human Development Office, reflects on what the Chrism Mass means to her in her Lenten journey.
Jake Braithwaite, SJ, shares a powerful story of his own Good Friday experience – and invites us to reflect on ours.
Erica Tighe Campbell, owner and designer at Be A Heart, offers a reflection on the vital role women played on Holy Saturday.
If you’re looking for even more Lenten resources inspired by Ignatian spirituality and Jesuit life, you’ll find additional content here.